Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Writer's Workshop Linky

Hey everyone! I am linking up with Kelly over at Sliding into Second Grade for her very first linky! So exciting, we'll see if I ever create a linky party someday. 

Okay, so here is my first disclaimer about writing: It is not my favorite subject to teach. I am all about reading and math, but writing is a different story. I think that my dislike for writing started in middle school because I simply thought I wasn't good at it anymore.

Anyway, my goal is that my students LOVE writing because I don't want them to think like I did. I have had to spend a lot more time over the past few years figuring out how to teach writing, since it doesn't come as easily to me as other subject areas (I am more of a math and science nerd).

This year, my writer's workshop had to be moved from first thing in the morning to the afternoons at the very end of the day because of scheduling changes. I hope that it will work out at that time because it is always harder to stay focused at the end of the day.

My students have journals, and they have a few signs.

They have one week to complete the writing process for a five sentence story with a main idea, details, and a closing sentence. Once the first draft of their story is finished, they need to edit with three peers. The signs above come in handy because they are only allowed to edit if they are either finished with their story or if they are close. Students edit with a red pen on the rug. That way I can make sure that students at their desks are quietly working, and are not getting distracted. After peer editing, they conference with me. After editing and discussing with me, they get to write a final draft, which goes on the "Awesome Author's" wall. 

You can download my editing signs for free by clicking on the picture.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to Kelly for hosting this linky!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for linking up! Even if you're the only one I appreciate you sharing your lesson! Writing isn't my favorite to teach either because they're still learning how to write complete sentences and they don't like to write. I'm hoping others will share their ideas so all of us can benefit from seeing how other teachers launch their writers workshop!

    Sliding Into Second Grade
